Crystalline Consciousness Technique™ Tree of Life healing sessions are a deep individual 1:1 energetic support that have had many incredible outcomes for my clients.

Judy’s Tree of Life CCT sessions have been really great for me! In the first few sessions I didn’t consciously notice much, but the topics and timing were ALWAYS on point for what was going on my life very interestingly, so I know they were happening for a reason. Things culminated in the final few, and ESPECIALLY the last session ~ this was the most powerful and tangible meditation I’ve ever felt! I felt SO connected and had so many awarenesses and even insights about myself, my life and even future business. Wonderful to have experienced this with Judy ~ thanks so much!!

The CCT Tree of Life series of sessions was powerful and, at first, eerily frightening by how much emotional energy it released/shifted/rose to the surface. But with each subsequent session, I was much more relaxed, settled and oddly comforted. Difficult to explain with words. I’m going through a brutal emotionally explosive situation in my life, and Judy’s soft voice, love, commitment to the process and to me gave me hope and a renewed sense of courage, as well as a rejuvenated and hidden feeling of self-worth. I’m deeply grateful to her for her beautiful and generous support when I am most vulnerable.

Judy Keating’s CCT tree of life healing sessions were THE BEST thing to move me through one of the darkest times in my life… paralyzed with fear and grief after my 24-year marriage ended in divorce.  These 6 sessions with Judy were deeply transformative, clearing out the hurt and pain, making way for me to love myself fully and begin again with confidence and trust in the Light.

I recently received the complete Crystalline Consciousness Technique  Tree Of Life series from Judy Keating, a powerful conduit. In 2020, I was taken to the edge of death and the experience left me in emotional, mental and physical chaos; my body and spirit just weren’t connecting the way they did before. After receiving the series, all that changed; I was back to being more of myself again. I’m forever grateful the Judy, her gifts, and the life changing technique that she used with me. I highly recommend her


What if there was a way to re-configure all of your energy as if you got a REBOOT?

Crystalline Consciousness Technique™ regenerates you from the Crystalline Energy Field, the place of all possibility; where all the solutions live.

The 6 sessions in the package will address every aspect of your being. (Lower leg/Re-connection to the Earth, Physical, Mental/Emotional, Spiritual, Energetic,  and Crystalline)

Sessions are scheduled one at a time over a period of 6-8 weeks determined by us as you feel the effects, and notice what changes after each session.

Results include:

  • Re-establish a grounded connection to Earth so you have a sense of being resourced rather than exhausted.
  • Lift out Physical symptoms and reset your rest relax and rejuvenate ability.
  • Establish a clear clean and current emotional connection to the here and now; so your past does not run you.
  • Align your divine co-creative relationship with Source, enhances spiritual light and enhances your gifts
  • Establishes clear energetic boundaries so you can feel YOU.
  • Taps into New Earth Crystalline Energy System and resonates your energy bodies to this unlimited sense of ease and flow.

In the package you will also receive a pre-record Crystalline Energy System Activation

Intuitive Coaching after each session.

Follow up email with reminders and notes from the session.

An additional 30 minute check in session after the series to help you utilize the gifts you received.

*The healing sessions are live and will not be recorded.

Package price is $750.00

You can also book single sessions for $150.00.